It’s your choice!
Either choose one of our Signature Poké Bowls or put them together yourself!
For a healthy diet there is basic, protein, topping, crunch and cream in every bowl. [more]
Your individual bowl

Our perfectly matched bowls
Around 1900, large groups of Japanese emigrated to Hawaii and brought their food culture with them, such as sushi. The Hawaiians, who were already cool back then, were already surfing enthusiasts and nature-loving, liked the sushi with raw fish and fresh, sometimes raw vegetables. But she was bothered by the high effort involved in preparing it in small bites and wrapping it in seaweed leaves. This is how the idea was formed: to serve everything in a bowl and eat it with chopsticks or fork.
The ingredients of your choice should appeal to all the senses of taste and feeling and the bowl should be warm and cold, hot but also sweet, crispy but also tender, large but also small, round but also angular at the same time.

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Look at the overview image to get a detailed view of all possibilities!